Results for 'Fabio Stieltjes Yasoshima'

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  1.  16
    Da imitação teatral, ou “Ensaio extraído dos Diálogos de Platão”.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Fabio Stieltjes Yasoshima - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):146-165.
    Tradução de Da imitação teatral, ou “Ensaio extraído dos Diálogos de Platão”, de J-J Rousseau.
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  2. Naming and Free Will.Pedro Merlussi & Fabio Lampert - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (4):475-484.
    Rigidity does interesting philosophical work, with important consequences felt throughout metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and so on. The authors’ aim in this article is to show that rigidity has yet another role to play, with surprising consequences for the problem of free will and determinism, for the phenomenon of rigidity has the upshot that some metaphysically necessary truths are up to us. The significance of this claim is shown in the context of influential arguments against free will. The authors (...)
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    Coloniality and the State: Race, Nation and Dependency.Walter D. Mignolo & Fábio Santino Bussmann - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):3-18.
    It is of concern that, until now, Western and Southern theories have not been able to provide a full conceptual understanding of the complicity of the elites and states of former colonies outside the West with the political domination they suffer from their Western counterparts. Decolonial thought, by exploring global epistemic designs, can fully explain such political dependency, which, for Aníbal Quijano, results from the local elites’ goal to racially identify with their Western peers (self-humanization), obstructing local nationalization. We explore (...)
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    A Repetição de Uma Singularidade: Fenomenologia Do Déjà Vu.Stefano Micali & Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2024 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 5 (3):212-223.
    A fenomenologia tem como objetivo analisar os momentos constitutivos de diferentes experiências, fazendo justiça às suas formas específicas de aparecimento. Ao fazer isso, ela pode tornar visíveis (e, portanto, corrigir) as suposições problemáticas consideradas válidas desde o início. Estas suposições distorcem e manipulam coerentemente os fenômenos de tal forma que os fenômenos são transformados em algo radicalmente diferente. O fenômeno do déjà vu é muito interessante, nesse sentido, por duas diferentes razões. O déjà vu é transformado em um fenômeno diferente (...)
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    The Role of Feedback in the Statistical Learning of Language‐Like Regularities.Felicity F. Frinsel, Fabio Trecca & Morten H. Christiansen - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13419.
    In language learning, learners engage with their environment, incorporating cues from different sources. However, in lab‐based experiments, using artificial languages, many of the cues and features that are part of real‐world language learning are stripped away. In three experiments, we investigated the role of positive, negative, and mixed feedback on the gradual learning of language‐like statistical regularities within an active guessing game paradigm. In Experiment 1, participants received deterministic feedback (100%), whereas probabilistic feedback (i.e., 75% or 50%) was introduced in (...)
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    Counter-Denunciations: How Suspects Blame Victims in Police Interviews for Low-Level Crimes.Fabio Ferraz de Almeida - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):119-137.
    This article explores the ways in which suspects attempt to make putative victims/complainants at least partially responsible for the incidents for which they are investigated, transforming themselves into the victim and the other into the perpetrator. Drawing upon conversation analysis, I examine audio-recorded police interviews for low-level crimes in England and in which suspects have constructed what I refer as counter-denunciations. I argue that suspects accomplish these counter-denunciations through discursive practices that involve, for example (a) contrasting the complainant’s actions with (...)
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    Science and ethics: the axiological contexts of science.Evandro Agazzi & Fabio Minazzi (eds.) - 2008 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    The essays presented in this volume offer a valuable contribution to this interdisciplinary study.
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    Introduction.Javier Fernández-Sebastián & Fabio Wasserman - 2016 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 11 (2):43-47.
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    Two ways of spilling drink: The construction of offences as ‘accidental’ in police interviews with suspects.Fabio Ferraz de Almeida - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (2):187-205.
    This article explores the construction of offences as ‘accidental’ in police-suspect interactions. The data comprise audio-recorded investigative interviews, which were analysed using conversation analysis. In these interviews, suspects often do not explicitly state the nature of their defence when answering police officers’ questions; instead, suspects’ defensive practices or techniques are embedded in the narrative accounts they give of what happened, thus exhibiting rather claiming their ‘innocence’. My focus here is on a particular type of defence, namely, one in which suspects (...)
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    Something must happen before first breath.Paolo Fiori Nastro, Fabio Virgili, Marcella Fagioli & Daniela Polese - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-4.
    BackgroundDefinition and concept of the ‘beginning of human life’ are weakened by co-existing contrasting hypotheses based on humanistic or religious beliefs rather than scientific foundations. This plethora of conceptually distant views have important common concerns in different fields of science and shape, in turn, several societal aspects including laws related, for instance, to inheritance eligibility or abortion, end-of-life care and euthanasia, and reproductive technology. Also, they are fundamental to evaluate opportunity for resuscitation vs. palliative care in extremely preterm infants. In (...)
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    Editorial: Futsal Research and Challenges for Sport Development.Cesar Méndez-Dominguez, Fábio Y. Nakamura & Bruno Travassos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  12. Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets.Julio Michael Stern, Fabio Nakano, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Studies in Computational Intelligence 199:305-315.
    This article presents a two level hierarchical forecasting model developed in a consulting project for a Brazilian magazine publishing company. The first level uses a VARMA model and considers econometric variables. The second level takes into account qualitative aspects of each publication issue, and is based on polynomial networks generated by Genetic Programming (GP).
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  13. Gender in conditionals.Sandro Zucchi & Fabio Del Prete - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):953-980.
    The 3sg pronouns “he” and “she” impose descriptive gender conditions (being male/female) on their referents. These conditions are standardly analysed as presuppositions (Cooper in Quantification and syntactic theory, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983; Heim and Kratzer in Semantics in generative grammar, Blackwell, Oxford, 1998). Cooper argues that, when 3sg pronouns occur free, they have indexical presuppositions: the gender condition must be satisfied by the pronoun’s referent in the actual world. In this paper, we consider the behaviour of free 3sg pronouns in conditionals (...)
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    Obtención del aceite de las semillas de luffa cylindrica y evaluación de su potencial uso en la industria cosmética.Luisa Amaya, Fabio Díaz, Martha Moncada, Natalia García & Gloria Edith Guerrero - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  15. Aristóteles: la felicidad (eudaimanía) como fin de fines.Fabio Ramírez Muñoz Sj - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:213-223.
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    Synaptophysin: leading actor or walk‐on role in synaptic vesicle exocytosis?Flavia Valtorta, Maria Pennuto, Dario Bonanomi & Fabio Benfenati - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (4):445-453.
    Synaptophysin (Syp) was the first synaptic vesicle (SV) protein to be cloned. Since its discovery in 1985, it has been used by us and by many laboratories around the world as an invaluable marker to study the distribution of synapses in the brain and to uncover the basic features of the life cycle of SVs. Although single gene ablation of Syp does not lead to an overt phenotype, a large body of experimental data both in vitro and in vivo indicate (...)
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  17. Topics in the Proof Theory of Non-classical Logics. Philosophy and Applications.Fabio De Martin Polo - 2023 - Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Chapter 1 constitutes an introduction to Gentzen calculi from two perspectives, logical and philosophical. It introduces the notion of generalisations of Gentzen sequent calculus and the discussion on properties that characterize good inferential systems. Among the variety of Gentzen-style sequent calculi, I divide them in two groups: syntactic and semantic generalisations. In the context of such a discussion, the inferentialist philosophy of the meaning of logical constants is introduced, and some potential objections – mainly concerning the choice of working with (...)
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  18.  28
    Good News or Bad News, Which Do You Want First? The Importance of the Sequence and Organization of Information for Financial Decision-Making: A Neuro-Electrical Imaging Study.Wenting Yang, Jianhong Ma, Hezhi Chen, Anton G. Maglione, Enrica Modica, Dario Rossi, Giulia Cartocci, Marino Bonaiuto & Fabio Babiloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  19. Registro sintético de uma vida: entrevista com Fábio Alves dos Santos (Synthetic record of a life - Interview with Fabio Alves dos Santos).Fábio Alves dos Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1637-1649.
    Fábio Alves dos Santos (1954-2013) cursou Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais e Teologia, era Especialista em Filosofia da Religião (PUC Minas), Advogado (PUC Minas) e Mestre em Direito Constitucional (UFMG). Lecionou na PUC Minas como professor de Cultura Religiosa e depois como professor no Curso de Direito, atuando principalmente no Serviço de Assistência Judiciária – SAJ, especialmente cuidado de causas populares como as da ASMARE (Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte), da Pastoral de Rua, da Pastoral (...)
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  20. Chapter Seven Medieval Settlements and Landscapes in Northern Italy: Methods, Strategies and Problems Fabio Saggiore.Fabio Saggiore - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.), Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 132.
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  21. Dialética do recomeço: Mendelssohn e a refundação moderna da metafísica como história da filosofia.Fábio Mascarenhas Nolasco - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:244-285.
    Este ensaio busca oferecer uma coleção de materiais historiográficos, em sua maior parte traduzidos do alemão, a bem da contextualização mais detalhada do papel de Moisés Mendelssohn no debate filosófico alemão da segunda metade do XVIII, em especial no que concerne à provável influência de suas reflexões em Kant e Hegel. Inicio com a consideração das novidades trazidas à tona por M. Serres no que concerne à interpretação de Leibniz, e o faço com o intuito de introduzir em sentido amplo (...)
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  22.  82
    What can we hold against populism?Fabio Wolkenstein - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):111-129.
    Populist movements have become key players in European politics. These movements are readily criticized by journalists or political rivals, yet none of the common objections to populism seems to arrest their success. This article turns to normative political theory to cultivate sensitivity to problems arising from some existing arguments against populism, and to explore possible alternatives. It offers a critical reading of prototypical liberal and conservative arguments against populism, and proposes that the principles of solidarity and procedure provide good grounds (...)
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  23.  51
    A Deliberative Model of Intra‐Party Democracy.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):297-320.
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  24.  54
    Agents of Popular Sovereignty.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):338-362.
    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions, and that they are de facto causally connected to mechanisms of decision making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty—which center on direct decision making by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively—are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Origins and history of Darwinian medicine.Fabio Zampieri - 2009 - Humana. Mente 9:13-38.
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  26. Guadagnare (il) tempo.Fabio Merlini - 2011 - In Silvana Borutti (ed.), Tempo e identità: per ricordare Flavio Cassinari. Como: Ibis.
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  27.  37
    The grounds of solidarity: From liberty to loyalty.Fabio Wolkenstein & Jakob Kapeller - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):476-491.
    Solidarity can be conceived in multiple ways. This article probes possible underlying ontological and normative assumptions of solidarity. In order to conceptually clarify the notion of solidarity, we distinguish between five types of solidarity. We suggest that solidarity is either grounded in the Enlightenment ideas of liberty, or a category of loyalty and allegiance. If the former is the case, solidarity can be justified on rational grounds. If the latter is the case, it is contingent on narratives of historical continuity (...)
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  28. Quantum Causal Modelling.Fabio Costa & Sally Shrapnel - 2016 - New Journal of Physics 18 (6):063032.
    Causal modelling provides a powerful set of tools for identifying causal structure from observed correlations. It is well known that such techniques fail for quantum systems, unless one introduces 'spooky' hidden mechanisms. Whether one can produce a genuinely quantum framework in order to discover causal structure remains an open question. Here we introduce a new framework for quantum causal modelling that allows for the discovery of causal structure. We define quantum analogues for core features of classical causal modelling techniques, including (...)
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  29. Natural Deduction for Diagonal Operators.Fabio Lampert - 2017 - In Maria Zack & Dirk Schlimm (eds.), Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The CSHPM 2016 Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta. New York: Birkhäuser. pp. 39-51.
    We present a sound and complete Fitch-style natural deduction system for an S5 modal logic containing an actuality operator, a diagonal necessity operator, and a diagonal possibility operator. The logic is two-dimensional, where we evaluate sentences with respect to both an actual world (first dimension) and a world of evaluation (second dimension). The diagonal necessity operator behaves as a quantifier over every point on the diagonal between actual worlds and worlds of evaluation, while the diagonal possibility quantifies over some point (...)
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  30. Speaking of events.James Higginbotham, Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The idea that an adequate semantics of ordinary language calls for some theory of events has sparked considerable debate among linguists and philosophers. On the one hand, so many linguistic phenomena appear to be explained if (and, according to some authors, only if) we make room for logical forms in which reference to or quantification over events is explicitly featured. Examples include nominalization, adverbial modification, tense and aspect, plurals, and singular causal statements. On the other hand, a number of deep (...)
  31.  57
    How to Disagree About Argument Schemes.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):500-522.
    Argumentation theorists often disagree about which scheme best represents a given type of argument. Unfortunately, authors sometimes become involved in fruitless pseudo-agreement because they fail to perceive that their supposedly competing schemes are means for achieving different practical or theoretical goals. This paper explains some of the different purposes that an argument scheme may serve, and it indicates how the relevant type of pseudo-disagreement may be avoided.
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  32. Falsità ideologica di una sentenza. Attestazioni implicite, vero legale e giudizi tecnici.Fabio Antonio Siena - 2019 - Archivio Penale 9 (3):1-38.
    ​In risposta all’ipotesi di estendere la categoria del falso valutativo alle motivazioni di una sentenza, l’articolo tenta una ricostruzione critica della progressiva apertura del falso intellettuale ad atti dispositivi e giudizi tecnici, ponendone in evidenza alcune aporie e proponendo specifici temperamenti. Tanto la teoria dei fatti psichici, quanto quella delle attestazioni implicite e del vero legale, nella loro congiunta sovrapposizione alla struttura della fattispecie penale, possono scadere in una violazione del divieto di analogia in materia penale. Il caso da cui (...)
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  33. Analogical Arguments in Ethics and Law: A Defence of Deductivism.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (3):406-437.
    The paper provides a qualified defence of Bruce Waller’s deductivist schema for a priori analogical arguments in ethics and law. One crucial qualification is that the schema represents analogical arguments as complexes composed of one deductive inference but also of one non-deductive subargument. Another important qualification is that the schema is informed by normative assumptions regarding the conditions that an analogical argument must satisfy in order for it to count as an optimal instance of its kind. Waller’s schema is defended (...)
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  34.  52
    What is democratic backsliding?Fabio Wolkenstein - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):261-275.
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    Ruinous Arguments: Escalation of disagreement and the dangers of arguing.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    People argue to reconcile differences of opinion, but reconciliation may fail to happen. In these cases, most theorists assume arguers are left with the same disagreement from which they started. This is too optimistic, since disagreement might instead escalate, and this may happen because of the argumentative practice, not in spite of it. These dangers depend on epistemological, pragmatic, and cultural factors, and show why arguers should be careful in picking their dialogical fights.
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    No more charity, please! Enthymematic parsimony and the pitfall of benevolence.Fabio Paglieri - 2007 - In Christopher W. Tindale Hans V. Hansen (ed.), Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground. OSSA. pp. 1--26.
    Why are enthymemes so frequent? Are we dumb arguers, smart rhetoricians, or parsimonious reasoners? This paper investigates systematic use of enthymemes, criticizing the application of the principle of charity to their interpretation. In contrast, I propose to analyze enthymematic argumentation in terms of parsimony, i.e. as a manifestation of the rational tendency to economize over scant resources. Consequences of this view on the current debate on enthymemes and on their rational reconstruction are discussed.
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    New contents for new media: Pavia project physics.Fabio Bevilacqua & Stefano Bordoni - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (5):451-469.
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  38. (1 other version)Artifacts and affordances: from designed properties to possibilities for action.Fabio Tollon - 2021 - AI and Society 2:1-10.
    In this paper I critically evaluate the value neutrality thesis regarding technology, and find it wanting. I then introduce the various ways in which artifacts can come to influence moral value, and our evaluation of moral situations and actions. Here, following van de Poel and Kroes, I introduce the idea of value sensitive design. Specifically, I show how by virtue of their designed properties, artifacts may come to embody values. Such accounts, however, have several shortcomings. In agreement with Michael Klenk, (...)
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  39. Fatti e giudizi, tra inosservanza della regola contabile e falsità del bilancio.Fabio Antonio Siena - 2019 - Diritto Penale Contemporaneo 3 (4):5-33.
    Abstract. Con il presente contributo si propone una rilettura critica del concetto di “verità legale”, ove propugnato per estendere l’area di prensione punitiva delle false comunicazioni sociali anche ai giudizi discrezionali. Il disaccordo con l’impianto motivazionale delle Sezioni Unite – nel contesto argomentativo dei valori monetari intesi come “traduzione” di fatti obbiettivi – si radica in particolare nell’assunto del «ridotto margine di opinabilità» delle scienze contabili. L’affermazione, come si vedrà, è foriera di fraintendimenti. Si attribuisce al parametro adottato (normativo prima (...)
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  40.  35
    Modelling the context of learning interactions in intelligent learning environments.Fabio N. Akhras - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 1--14.
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    Estasi e saggezza: sulla disciplina dell'anima tra Omero e gli stoici.Fabio Grigenti - 2018 - Padova: CLEUP.
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  42.  13
    Drammi domestici e contrasti filosofici nel carteggio tra Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile dal 1896 al 1914.Fabio Fernando Rizi - 2022 - Firenze: Franco Cesati editore.
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  43.  13
    Apocalittica e tempo della fine in Tommaso Campanella.Fabio Seller - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
  44.  64
    "I don't trust you, you faker!" On Trust, Reliance, and Artificial Agency.Fabio Fossa - 2019 - Teoria 39 (1):63-80.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the extent to which relationships between Human Agents (HAs) and Artificial Agents (AAs) can be adequately defined in terms of trust. Since such relationships consist mostly in the allocation of tasks to technological products, particular attention is paid to the notion of delegation. In short, I argue that it would be more accurate to describe direct relationships between HAs and AAs in terms of reliance, rather than in terms of trust. However, as (...)
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  45. A Conceptual Characterization of Autonomy in the Philosophy of Robotics.Fabio Fossa, Daniele Chiffi & Ciro De Florio - 2022 - In G. Riva & A. Marchetti (eds.), Humane Robotics. A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Development of Humane-Centred Technologies. Vita e Pensiero. pp. 35-49.
    The concept of autonomy is crucial for the theoretical characterization of robots and, more in general, complex technological artifacts. The aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual and logical framework in which it is possible to define two concepts of autonomy: autonomy of performance and autonomy of process. The analysis is carried out exploiting the logical resources of the counterfactual semantics-developed by Lewis' and Stalnaker's seminal works-and branching structures of the possible courses of actions. It allows to differentiate (...)
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  46.  29
    Persons, Reasons, and What Matters: The Philosophy of Derek Parfit.Fabio Patrone - 2019 - Argumenta 1 (5):9-10.
    Derek Parfit played a crucial role in the XX century philosophical debate. His masterpiece, Reasons and Persons, has been highly influential both in moral philosophy, and personal identity. It is hard to overlook the fact that Parfit’s ideas gave the main contribution to the contemporary philosophy of persons. He reformulates a debate stuck in the classical contraposition between psychological and physical criteria of personal identity, by introducing his most famous idea: identity doesn’t matter in survival. This thesis, and its moral (...)
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  47. Problemi vecchi e nuovi delle false dichiarazioni sostitutive.Fabio Antonio Siena - 2020 - Diritto Penale Contemporaneo - Rivista Trimestrale 10 (3):237-254.
    L’articolo ripercorre i principali snodi interpretativi riguardanti la rilevanza penale delle false attestazioni in dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificati e atti notori disciplinate dagli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000, analizzando le modifiche apportate dai decreti Rilancio e Semplificazioni, nonché i peculiari problemi connessi all’uso di questo strumento istruttorio per la concessione della garanzia statale sui finanziamenti alle imprese. SOMMARIO: 1. Premesse. La semplificazione delle procedure amministrative per l’ottenimento di benefici economici. – 2. Le dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificati e (...)
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    Nuditas: il potere che esilia.Fabio Bazzani - 2022 - Firenze: Editrice Clinamen.
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    A graphical representation of uncertainty in complex decision making.Fabio Boschetti - 2011 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 13:146-168.
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    Luoghi, tempi e futuri contingenti.Fabio Boverio - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 6:177-198.
    La complessità dei rapporti tra oggetto mentale, realtà storica e rappresentazione storiografica appare evidente, quando taluni film di fantascienza ripropongono discussioni teoriche, alcune delle quali dal forte sapore medievale, in atmosfere medievali collocate nel futuro.
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